The Monitizer product suite

Go digital - at your own speed

The IIoT platform that helps you transform production through the power of your data - reducing waste, maximizing efficiency and driving sustainability. Monitizer simplifies the journey with a clear, 4-step approach, guiding you every step of the way.

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Monitizer | DISCOVER

DISCOVER provides user-friendly monitoring, visualization, and alerting tools, along with an easily accessed cloud platform that automatically collects and merges all your data in one place.

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Monitizer | PRESCRIBE

PRESCRIBE is a game-changing AI-as-a-Service tool that provides prescriptions for scrap reduction, with proven results of an average 40% reduction even in the most complex industrial processes.

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REFILL MONITOR maximizes light metal furnace casting line uptime and improves metal supply productivity up to 15% using real-time production data.

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Data collection is the first and most significant frontier to achieving digital maturity for Industry 4.0. Monitizer’s data collection solution is the NoriGate gateway. The NoriGate is built to make data collection simple, secure, and robust. It collects data from almost any source and streams the encrypted data to a central database in the Monitizer Platform hosted in the AWS (Amazon Web Service) or Alibaba (only in China) public cloud.

  • Reduce manual labour: automated data collection and merging
  • Eliminate silos: build a real-time digital view of all production, not just sub-processes
  • Trustworthy information: reliable, time-stamped data you can rely on

The NoriGate gateway is equipment-agnostic so it can acquire data from almost any source and brand. 



When you have all your data in one system, it’s easier to discover lapses, such as recurring machine downtime or other production bottlenecks, while pinpointing opportunities for improvement.

Monitizer is built for customised dashboards, charts and graphs that report on and visualise live and historical data, which can be used to discover hidden insights to any troubleshooting and perform instant actions.

  • Instant insight: Learn how to improve production processes and compare site performance.
  • Transparent production: View machine and process performance metrics, improve equipment utilisation.
  • Efficient troubleshooting: Fix problems quickly, prevent stoppages and downtime
  • Smart notifications: Monitor your equipment 24/7 and be notified instantly of alarms or emergencies

Monitizer | DISCOVER can combine and display your production data across multiple sites or countries.



Advanced analytics work with clean, consistent data to reveal how the most complex processes are functioning. 

The build-in Monitizer tools, allows you to compare real-time and historical data to pinpoint process bottlenecks or find the root causes of problems like poor quality or downtime. 

  • Expert analysis every time
  • Consider all parameters in all sub-processes, handle unlimited complexity
  • Remove manual variations with correct machine settings for optimum stable production


In the intervene stage, artificial intelligence develops actionable strategies and results to optimise production efficiency making easy implementation possible.

  • Detailed instructions for settings required to maintain stable, quality production
  • Continuous automatic optimisation as conditions change
  • A holistic approach to reduce scrap on average by 40%

Monitizer | PRESCRIBE automated analytics helps you optimise the process to prevent defects. It guides your intervention with real-time recommendations that keep your process on track.